Lucky Hamster Syndicate (LHS) is an upcoming NFT collection by the makers of Mia & the Marbles. Each NFT will have a number of functions, for more info check out the functions section
5555 NFTs
LHS (Lucky Hamster Syndicate) is an NFT collection by the world's first hamster-powered marble races on the blockchain, Mia & the Marbles. It will also be the world's first hamster-minted NFT collection. What's more, in contrast to most NFT projects, the LHS NFTs acts also as an utility token and qualifies their owners to be an eliglible member of the syndicate.
Over 100+ hamster traits
Different NFT rarity levels
NFTs can be used for leveraged betting
NFTs can be used for voting
LHS NFTs are functional NFTs, meaning, syndicate members can execute various functions:
By popular demand from our audience over at Mia & the Marbles, we are rebuilding the race track from the ground up to make it longer and more entertaining! LHS members will be able to vote on different aspects of the new race track.
LHS members will be eliglible to take part in any upcoming loss-back events. These events will allow players on Mia & the Marbles to get a partial refund after placing a bet on a marble that didn't win the race.
LHS members will be able to deposit their NFT in exchange for higher rewards for any winning bet without giving up ownership. This is similar to the mechanism used in a PoS setting where user would stake their tokens in potential exchange for block rewards.
Because we ❤️ animals, we'd like to donate a part of our sales revenue to animal charities. The first 1 ETH will be donated to Santa Fe Animal Shelter in New Mexico, USA. LHS members will be able to vote on 2 other animal charities which we will donate another 5 ETH to. Please refer to the roadmap section for more information regarding donations.
Our NFTs are generated with a pseudo random number generator (pseudo-rng) with
unique output guarantees.
Each NFTs traits are derived from a pseudo-rng run,
seeded with a race result & block hash from Season 1 of Mia & the Marbles.
Thus, the world's first hamster powered marble race results are now replicated as
Public sale starts in
27 December, 2021 (21:12:21 UTC)
29 December, 2021 (21:12:21 UTC)
Until sold out
MATIC on Polygon
Our NFTs will be published on the Polygon blockchain. This EVM-compatible ethereum sidechain allows for more transaction throughput which helps avoiding users to overpay in gas fees. Also, it's using a PoS consensus which is more environmentally friendly than Ethereum's PoW consensus.
We're a team of 1 hamster and 3 software engineers.
Lucky Hamster Syndicate (LHS) is an upcoming NFT collection by the makers of Mia & the Marbles. Each NFT will have a number of functions, for more info check out the functions section
Due to popular demand, our NFTs will be published on the Polygon blockchain. This EVM-compatible ethereum sidechain allows for more transaction throughput which helps avoiding users to overpay in gas fees.
We're running several giveaway campaigns and contests on our Discord and Twitter. There you'll have a chance to win free LHS NFTs.
You'll get 50% off the 2nd NFT you buy. On any subsequent NFTs you'll get off 25%:
Please keep in mind that the max. amount of NFTs to buy is limited to 20 per whitelisted address.
Yes, you can. The official LHS collection is available exclusively at the following address: BEWARE OF ANY FAKE LHS COLLECTIONS! IF THE URL IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ABOVE, THE COLLECTION IS FAKE!
Rarities and metadata haven't been revealed yet. However, they will be revealed some time after the presale. There are numerous fake collections on OpenSea. Any collection that already has any metadata or the picture revealed is FAKE! The official LHS collection is available exclusively at the following address:
For buying an LHS NFT you'll need to have $MATIC. In case you don't already own $MATIC, here is how you can buy some: